Women in Marketing – A Match of Creative Genius

Women have been active members of the workforce for nearly a century, which has allowed us to study how they compare to their male counterparts. Decades of research have proven that women outperform men on key leadership capabilities, yet they’re routinely passed up for roles.

However, our modern landscape rarely reflects scientific data. This is unfortunate, as studies continue to show that female-led companies outperform male-led startups. Women also perform the same, if not better, at roles that were traditionally held or dominated by men, like marketing.

At the same time, the reason cited as to why women perform well in certain roles is often based on stereotypes. Female marketers can benefit any industry, just not for the reason you think.

Why Women Make Incredible Marketers

If you’re interested in applying for entry-level marketing jobs, read this post from Lensa. Lensa will show you how to break into your first marketing role based on your skills and interests.

1. Women are Allowed to Express Empathy

There’s a misconception that women are better marketers because they’re empathetic, but that isn’t the case. Men and women are equally capable of expressing empathy. However, women are more socialized to discuss and explore their feelings, whereas men typically aren’t.

Due to this, women are able to decode non-verbal communication, pick up nuances in tone and facial expression, and are more accurate at judging a person’s character. Women can more easily get inside the head of the market and base their strategies on what the consumer needs.

2. Women are Better at Market Research

For centuries, marketing tactics have been based on stereotypes and pseudoscience. For example, women are cited as good marketers because they shop more than men and know the market. In reality, men spend 62% to 128% more money on non-essentials than women do.

While the myth of the persistent female shopper has been disproven time and time again, just like other women-directed marketing stereotypes, they still remain. Women, more often than men, are able to look past these myths because they tend to be better at quantitative research.

3. Women are Better at Creating Unique Brands

Branding is difficult for most marketers because creating something unique is just hard to begin with. However, men are more likely to use their experiences and apply existing rules to a brand, while women are more likely to compartmentalize their experiences and work from scratch.

Women tend to consider the specific details and intricacies of a problem, which makes them great at intuitive thinking. They’re more adaptable to new information and change a complex idea into something simple. On the other hand, men may take a complex approach to branding.

4. Women are Able to Understand the Competition

Men tend to be more focused than women, which can make them very productive, efficient workers. However, this can be a problem in a competitive industry. If men only focus on one enemy, they won’t see the threat creeping behind them, as was the case with Nokia and Apple.

Recent studies show that women have 20% more gray matter than men do, which provides them with more thought-linking capabilities. This helps women see more than one threat at once. This also makes it easier for women to process their emotions and keep them in check.

5. Women are Less Likely to Brag or Show-Boat

Women are often less ego-centric and don’t tend to talk about themselves in public. There’s nothing wrong with being confident, but arrogance can cause us to make poor decisions. The chief executive, male or female, is probably the worst person to represent a public brand.

But more often than not, the chief executive takes center stage. Rose-Marie Bravo, the chief executive of Burberry, rarely made public appearances. Instead, she hired creative director Christopher Bailey to take center stage. This approach is often difficult for male marketers.

6. Women’s Brains Age Slower Than Male Brains

Generalizations are poor for social progress, which is why we’ve done our best to use statistics to back up our points in this article. Just because more women do “X,” it doesn’t mean men can’t or don’t do the same. However, it’s a scientific fact that men’s brains age faster than women’s.

Women tend to stay sharper as they age, which shouldn’t disqualify men for senior positions. At the same time, this should close the book on the question of cognitive ability in old age. Women should not be passed up for senior positions out of the assumption that they get worse with age.

7. Women Pay More Attention to Diversity

Women are more hyper aware about diversity in their own workplace because they are often considered a minority, despite the fact that they outnumber the male population. Women are likely to seek out employers with a strong record of diversity, but their expectations aren’t met.

It’s for this reason that women are more likely to hire more diverse coworkers when they’re able to make hiring decisions. Since a diverse workforce can market to diverse groups, senior female staff members are able to gain a broader perspective on culture, religion, gender, and more.

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Emily Sprinkle, also known as Emma Loggins, is a designer, marketer, blogger, and speaker. She is the Editor-In-Chief for Women's Business Daily where she pulls from her experience as the CEO and Director of Strategy for Excite Creative Studios, where she specializes in web development, UI/UX design, social media marketing, and overall strategy for her clients.

Emily has also written for CNN, Autotrader, The Guardian, and is also the Editor-In-Chief for the geek lifestyle site FanBolt.com