November Horoscopes

Are you ready for your November Horoscopes? 2020 is nearing the end, and this month brings some incredible opportunities to seize before the start of the holiday season! This month provides the opportunity for evolution, compassion, and the ever-needed self-care. 2020 has been hard, if you have a chance to take a little R&R for yourself – take it. 

If you don’t fully relate to your horoscope and this could be because you don’t know your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs. Knowing all three is essential and can be a factor as to what your month will bring. Don’t know what your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs are? Find out here.

November Horoscopes for 2020

Horoscopes 2020 Scorpio


As a Scorpio, November is the month for advancement in your career. Family issues may cause obstacles to arise at work. Turn on the charm with your co-workers and remain focused on overcoming any problems you may experience. By solving these conflicts, you will build strong work relationships that will stand the test of time.

Conflicts that arise may actually work in your favor if they are handled correctly. If you are wrong, admit it. If you need to make changes, make them. Solve the problem right the first time and show your co-workers you are committed to making sure things work out. Whether you are working alone or as part of a team, it’s up to you to maintain accountability.

Horoscopes 2020 Sagittarius


Sagittarius individuals will encounter strong spiritual connections in November. With spirituality and family issues on track and moving forward nicely, you will be able to focus on the things that are most important to you. Enjoy family time and embrace traditions. If you don’t have many family traditions, now is a good time to start a few.

November is also a month of new opportunities, especially when it comes to your career. Enjoy your career, and look for ways to advance that suit you. You may be presented with unique opportunities that you may never have expected. Take a chance and explore new options. You may be surprised at what’s available to you.

Horoscopes 2020 Capricorn


Capricorn individuals can expect the month of November to provide an abundance of professional opportunities. Focus on your career goals and objectives. Look into any new opportunities you may be presented with. A few of the opportunities may call for a career change, while some may be able to provide you advancement within the career you are already invested in.

Your family affairs are in order, and things will continue to go smoothly for the rest of the month. Try to maintain your emotional stability. This may not be easy with the holidays fast approaching, but it is important to keep things in perspective. Focus on your family and embrace the things that are most important in life.

Horoscopes 2020 Aquarius


Aquarians should use the month of November to follow their dreams when it comes to their career and professional life. If you are thinking about changing jobs, make plans to take the plunge and pursue the career you have always wanted. Take a few classes or enroll in a degree program that will allow you to apply for your perfect dream job.

Stability is the name of the game both at home and when it comes to your psychological well-being. Your home life will be on track as long as you keep working toward a positive future. The effects of Mars will be present. However, in terms of aggressively pursuing your responsibilities and goals.

Horoscopes 2020 Pisces


November is a month for a dramatic increase in all activities related to your career. Towards the end of the month, expect to be extremely busy when it comes to taking an active role in moving your career forward. Opportunities will be coming in from different directions. It will be up to you to determine which ones are worth pursuing.

Stay focused, and continue to move forward. Set your goals accordingly, and always keep your eyes on the prize. Don’t settle for less than you deserve. If you see an opportunity you would like to pursue, take the risk. It may turn out to be everything you’ve ever wanted.

Horoscopes 2020 Aries


In November, Aries individuals should maintain a strong focus on career goals and professional opportunities. Professional interests may be able to push your career in a different direction. Evaluate what goals you have set and re-adjust as necessary. Stay focused on the future and continue to look for ways to improve your business.

While most of your family affairs and matters of the heart will be put on the back burner for the month, it is still a good idea to try and resolve any domestic issues you may be dealing with. If things are going smoothly, keep the peace and try to prevent any issues from escalating. Maintaining a happy home is the best way to stay positive when it comes to focusing on work.

Horoscopes 2020 Taurus


Home and work are equally important this month. Take a close look at the goals you have set for both home and career. When it comes to your home, it’s essential to keep up with obligations and make your family a top priority. Keep your social skills sharp. You will need them at home and at work.

Pay attention to your work environment. Conflicts may arise, and you may get caught up in a power play. Go with the flow and be willing to compromise. Make sure to maintain your reputation and stand up for yourself if need be. While it is essential to work as a team, step up to lead if the situation calls for it.

Horoscopes 2020 Gemini Gemini

For Gemini individuals, November will be a month of change. The first half of the month will be focused on your career and looking for ways to advance your position. Look closely at your goals and ask yourself if you are where you want to be. If not, make adjustments. If things are looking good, keep your eyes on the future.

Around the middle of the month, you should shift your focus to more personal affairs. Emotional matters will become more critical, and you may need to spend some time resolving a few personal issues that have started to become more pressing. Be aware of your partner’s feelings, and put in a little extra effort.

Horoscopes 2020 Cancer


November is a month for self-expression and emotional stability. Your family and home should be your top priority. Cancer individuals will need to pay close attention to family affairs and follow through on both new and old obligations. Take your responsibilities seriously and do what you need to do to care for your family and home. Remember that what happens in your home will eventually trickle down to your career.

With home and family strong priorities, many of the career decisions you make in November will be based on your emotional well-being. Follow your heart when it comes to making tough decisions about your job. If you truly love what you do, the decisions you make concerning your career will be founded in that emotional foundation.

Horoscopes 2020 Leo


The first and last weeks of the month will offer abundant opportunities for making money. Money will flow easily as long as you stay focused on your priorities. You may find yourself having financial conflicts with your partner at home during the middle of the month. Stay focused on keeping up with obligations and work together. Compromise is vital in this situation.

When it comes to your career and financial opportunities, a few key risks will pay off nicely if you think things through. Pay close attention to what each risk entails and weigh your options carefully. Don’t go overboard, however. Make sure to explore these opportunities and invest within your means. Smaller investments can pay off just as well as large ones and won’t put you in a bind.

Horoscopes 2020 Virgo


For Virgos, the month of November calls for a focus on both home and your own personal well-being. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by stress and frustration. Work through difficult problems as they arise, and don’t let them fester into major issues that you will regret later. Ground and center every day and maintain harmony and balance in your home.

Any career goals and aspirations you may have will be firmly grounded in your emotional well-being. If you love your job, the decisions will come easily. When it comes to making the most important choices concerning your job, take a few minutes and ask yourself how you feel about the situation. Let your heart guide you.

Horoscopes 2020 Libra


November is the month to be independent. Focus on your personal interests and follow the goals you have set for yourself. Indulge in the things you enjoy. Take the time to relax and enjoy what life has offered you. Go out with friends and sharpen your social skills (as much as you can during this time). A smile will go a long way in letting people get to know you.

While you are out and about, turn on the charm, and show off your personality. This will not only benefit you in your personal life; it will also benefit you at work as well. Flash that smile and get to know your co-workers. Take a few minutes to share small talk and brighten your work environment.

We hope these November horoscopes give you a little extra motivation for the month ahead! Have a wonderful November, and be sure to keep checking back for your monthly horoscopes!

Published in Featured Articles, For Fun, Life
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Emily Sprinkle, also known as Emma Loggins, is a designer, marketer, blogger, and speaker. She is the Editor-In-Chief for Women's Business Daily where she pulls from her experience as the CEO and Director of Strategy for Excite Creative Studios, where she specializes in web development, UI/UX design, social media marketing, and overall strategy for her clients.

Emily has also written for CNN, Autotrader, The Guardian, and is also the Editor-In-Chief for the geek lifestyle site