Finding Your Tribe: Understanding the INFJs, Known as the Rarest Personality Type

Have you ever wondered what makes certain personalities so common or uncommon? What is the rarest personality type? Determining personality involves complexities beyond simple labels. Still, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) illuminates some broad tendencies through 16 different personality types. Data does show some combinations occur more rarely than others. And there is one type that is, in fact, the most rare.

Remember, numbers alone do not define anyone; we are all multifaceted. The goal of awareness of different personality types is deeper self-knowledge, not comparison. That being said, let’s take a look at the rarest personality type, INFJ.

What Is the Rarest Personality Type?

The rarest personality type out of all 16 is INFJ, which stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. These people are known as Advocates, and they make up only 1.5% of the population that has taken the personality test! 1.6% of females are INFJs, and 1.2% of males fall under the same type.

INFJs are deep thinkers and approach life in the same way. They’re known for following their inner vision and personal values in everything they do. Rare as they may be, INFJs are memorable. They don’t want to stand on the sidelines when it comes to life. They want to make a difference. INFJs seek fulfillment, helping others, and being a force for good as a mark of success.

Even if they are known for being idealistic, these Advocates are more than just dreamers. They value integrity and will not be satisfied until they have done what they know is right. INFJs are incredibly conscientious and have a clear sense of values. They seek to never lose sight of what’s important to them.

What makes this personality type so rare is likely because INFJs tend to have a sense of being different from others. They don’t always fit in. But that doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy being accepted or having close relationships. It’s just that they sometimes feel misunderstood or against the world.

But being misunderstood doesn’t deter them from wanting to make a difference. INFJs are troubled by injustice and value altruism over personal gain. They often feel compelled to use their strengths to uplift others.

INFJs & Their Strengths

INFJs have a solid set of strengths that they use to make a difference in the world. Firstly, they are known for their creativity. They embrace their creative side and are keen on any chance to express themselves through this.

INFJs are also known to be insightful. They know that appearances can be deceiving and will always look past the surface. This quality allows INFJs to understand a person’s true intentions, feelings, and needs.

INFJs are also principled individuals. They have a strong set of beliefs and values, especially regarding ethics. When INFJs talk about topics they feel strongly about, their conviction can inspire even the most skeptical.

INFJs are also known to be passionate. They crave a sense of purpose in life and want to pursue their ideals. They don’t shy away from having big dreams; instead, they are motivated by their visions of the future.

INFJs are also altruistic. They don’t like succeeding at the expense of others. They prefer using their strengths for the benefit of everyone. Additionally, they are aware of how their words and actions may affect others.

INFJs & Their Weaknesses

INFJs tend to be very sensitive to criticism – but this doesn’t mean they do not want feedback. It’s only if such criticism is challenging their closely held principles and values. They can become defensive or dismissive when issues close to their hearts are criticized or challenged.

These individuals are also not ones to open up to others so easily. INFJs tend to be private individuals. They likely have trouble opening up and being vulnerable about their struggles because they do not want to burden others. However, if they don’t ask for help, they may unintentionally hold themselves back or distance themselves in their relationships.

INFJs are also perfectionists, and this is rooted in their idealistic nature. They may find it hard to appreciate their current careers or living situations. This is especially the case if they’re always focused on the flaws and wondering if they should go for something better.

INFJs also tend to avoid the mundane. They always seek to do extraordinary things, but it’s hard to achieve such a result if they don’t break it down into smaller steps. INFJs may find it hard to make their dreams a reality if they don’t do so.

INFJs tend to get burnt out, which is rooted in their perfectionism. Because of this quality, they don’t have a lot of options to unwind. They need to create a balance between their need to help others and themselves. Otherwise, they will get burnt out.

What Are Other Rare Personality Types?

The second-rarest personality type is ENTJ, or Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging. Known as Commanders, they make up 1.8% of the population. More men than women fall under this personality type, with 2.7% of men and 0.9% of women.

ENTJs are natural leaders. They are decisive and outspoken and will not hesitate to take charge in whatever situation they may find themselves in. ENTJs are assertive and driven by results. They love to get things done and thrive in challenging work environments.

The third-rarest personality type is the INTJ, also known as the Mastermind. INTJ stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging, and is the introverted counterpart of the ENTJ. Around 2.1% of the population falls under this personality type, with 2.6% of men and 1.5% of women.

INTJs always look for new ways of viewing and solving problems. They are usually seen as the most independent personality type. Additionally, they’re known for being able to work without intervention.

The extroverted counterpart of the INFJ, the ENFJ, makes it the fourth-rarest personality type. Known as the Teachers, ENFJs make up 2.5% of the population, with 3.3% of women and 1.6% of men falling under this type. They are usually more focused on helping others achieve their goals.

Lastly is the fifth-rarest personality type, the ENTP, also known as Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Perceiving. They comprise 3.2% of the population, with 2.4% of women and 4.0% of men. ENTP is one of the rarest personality types for women. They are quick-thinking motivators who always present another perspective in their situation.

Published in Featured Articles, Life
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Emily Sprinkle, also known as Emma Loggins, is a designer, marketer, blogger, and speaker. She is the Editor-In-Chief for Women's Business Daily where she pulls from her experience as the CEO and Director of Strategy for Excite Creative Studios, where she specializes in web development, UI/UX design, social media marketing, and overall strategy for her clients.

Emily has also written for CNN, Autotrader, The Guardian, and is also the Editor-In-Chief for the geek lifestyle site