Taeler Horak: Founder and Creator of Zipease

Taeler Horak of Zipease

Taeler Horak is a single mom of two and a self-taught seamstress. She found her true love of sewing when she inherited her great-grandmother’s old sewing machine in 2016.

After Taeler’s first daughter was born with congenital anomal, she began working as a waitress and decided to start making baby clothes to save money. Taeler soon found a gap in the market for convenient and high-quality baby rompers. From there, Zipease was born!

Zipease brings all of the convenience and none of the hassles during diaper changes. Those troublesome snaps are a thing of the past. With comfort, style, and durability front of mind, Zipease will simplify your parenting journey when it comes to diaper changes, packing the diaper bag, traveling, and more! The brand also offers ultra-accommodating invisible G-Tube zipper, so you can say goodbye to cutting holes in your child’s clothing.

Our Interview with Taeler Horak, CEO and Creator of Zipease

Tell us about your professional journey. What lead you to founding Zipease?

When my daughter was born, I quickly learned that snaps were not my cup of tea. Matching them up on a squirmy baby who just wanted to be snuggled was near impossible. And those middle of the night diaper changes? Yikes. If you’re a parent, you understand the struggle there. I went on the hunt to find an easier romper, but the only ones I found with a zipper were those that I had to completely open up all the way to the neck. So my daughter was cold and mad while I am also trying to change her diaper as quickly as possible. No thanks to those too. When I couldn’t find what I was looking for, I made it!


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Sewing is the heartbeat of Zipease. I inherited my great-grandmother’s sewing machine in 2015. She had passed away after a long life of happiness and telling the best stories. I sat down at that old machine without an inkling of sewing knowledge; I studied the in’s and out’s of her machine as if she were sitting there next to me talking me through it all. And I did not want to let her down. My first creation was, how do I describe it gracefully…okay it was hideous. A cotton, giraffe-print dress with red puffy sleeves. I put it on my little girl and took a few pictures (because pics or it didn’t happen). It then went straight to the back of a drawer and hasn’t seen the light of day since. Check my blog for that photo. You won’t regret it…or you might ? I practiced techniques and nailed down skills every day for a whole month before I felt confident in my next creation: baby booties. They actually turned out pretty cute! I made a few pairs for my daughter so she had shoes to match various outfits. We never left the house without a pair on her. Before long, other mommies were asking for my booties for their babies. This made me feel two things: “I am finally good at something” and “wait, what if I mess up?!” I hesitated. I have always flown by the seat of my pants and by continuing making these I would run the risk of coming face to face with my biggest fear: REJECTION (dunn dunn DUNN!). What if they hated what I sewed for their baby? For the millionth time in my life, I was second guessing myself. But for the first time ever, I brushed these fears away and just rolled with it. The machine pictured is one that I bought last month. It’s my DREAM machine ? so I guess you could say the successful Zipease (thanks to all of you) has literally allowed for one of my wildest dreams to come true. I’m beyond happy and thankful!! What is a skill set or hobby that has shaped motherhood for you?

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What was your biggest challenge when launching Zipease?

Believing in myself. I had a huge fear of rejection starting out but as my skill set grew, so did my confidence! Positive reviews from customers helped a lot too. I can count on one hand how many returns I’ve had since I started, which says a lot about my business as a whole; this is what I am meant to do!

Why are you passionate about Zipease?

Zipease delivers on its promises. From the products to customer service to resale value, you can depend on me and my company to give you what you need when it comes to comfortable clothes and easy diaper changes.

Tell us about your product development and how you design your clothes.

In my bias but totally honest opinion, my customers are hands down the most amazing people. They influence most of my designs. They ask, and I deliver. I leave a lot of decisions up to them to vote on. I love including them. I get to bond and connect with them on a level that most other business owners don’t have the opportunity to do.


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Happy Friday, Mama! Hallelujah!! We have made it through another week alive and well (and probably a bit tired). One thing I have found recently is that routine really helps to keep my Love Tank full so I can be the best version of me. My perfect day would start with a hot cup of coffee (with tons of creamer ??‍♀️) in peace and get ready while my kids are still asleep. Then, I would LOVE to be able to enjoy breakfast together ? Does this ever happen? Next, would be uninterrupted work time then outside play with the kiddos after their naps. I‘d wrap up the night with a bowl of ice cream, the love of my life, and our favorite show! How do you keep your Love Tank full? What would your perfect day look like? I want to know so tell me below!?

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How has the COVID-19 climate affected Zipease – and how have you had to pivot during this time?

My business has never been busier! April 2020 was my biggest month ever! I fully anticipated having to slow down once COVID-19 hit, but instead, I’ve been working around the clock to keep up. I love my people!!

What does your day-to-day look like – and what do you love most about what you do?

One challenge of being an entrepreneur with kids is finding time to work, but we have figured out a schedule that works well for us. I may be a little sleep deprived, but hey, it is working! I love providing parents with a product that they will love, whether they are a new customer or an existing one. I also love going live in my Facebook group. My customers get to see the human side of me rather than just my product if that makes sense.

What does success mean to you?

Every time an existing customer reorders, that’s success to me. They are coming back for more because they found a product that delivers on its promises, and that’s what I stand for! My returning customer rate averages at about 77% – it blows my mind each time I run the numbers!

How do you balance being a mother and running a business– while also taking care of yourself?

I squeeze in work time, literally where ever I can! I try not to overwhelm myself with too much. I try to keep my open orders to a minimum so you can always count on fast shipping. Let’s be real, self care is a struggle for many moms out, there including myself. I often (unintentionally) skip meals, and by the time dinner rolls around, I’m hangry and tired. One thing that has helped me so much with this is a dependable food delivery service. I love HomeChef and Daily Harvest!

If you could go back and give yourself three pieces of advice when you first started Zipease– what would you tell yourself?

  1. As much as you try to, you can’t please everyone.
  2. People will write hateful comments on your ads, don’t let them get to you. Let someone else manage the comments.

Is there a quote or song that you most identify with?

“To be successful, you only have to be right once.” – Mark Cuban

What’s next for you and Zipease?

You can look forward to seeing Zipease on Amazon this summer!

Follow Zipease online at the following:

Website: https://www.zipeaserompers.com/
Facebook: @ZipeaseRompers
Instagram: @zipease

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Emily Sprinkle, also known as Emma Loggins, is a designer, marketer, blogger, and speaker. She is the Editor-In-Chief for Women's Business Daily where she pulls from her experience as the CEO and Director of Strategy for Excite Creative Studios, where she specializes in web development, UI/UX design, social media marketing, and overall strategy for her clients.

Emily has also written for CNN, Autotrader, The Guardian, and is also the Editor-In-Chief for the geek lifestyle site FanBolt.com