We’ve all had bosses before that we weren’t big fans of, and if you’re in a position of leadership – the last thing you want is for your employees or your team to feel like you’re not a good boss. How do you gain the respect of your team, instill confidence, and also be someone they feel like they can talk to? While it may sound tricky, we have a few tips that makes it quite simple.
Set A Good Example
Lead by example. Want your team to arrive on time and act with compassion and respect? Be sure you act in the same manner you want your team to act. You should be the first to accept responsibility for whatever task is at hand. And lastly, be sure to share the accolades of a job-well-done. Doing these things in tandem will gain your team’s respect.
Admit When You Mess Up
Whether it’s in your professional or your personal life, admitting when you’re wrong or when you’ve messed up goes a long way for those involved. It’s a great sign of leadership and shows humility. Not only does it create respect, but it also makes you more approachable and relatable.
Be A Teacher
Develop a relationship with each member of your team. Get to know them and what makes them tick. What are their passions and ambitions for their career? This will allow you to best use their talents and harness them for the company – while helping them feel fulfilled at the same time.
Trust Your Team
Trust is important in any relationship. The best way to help your employees grow is to offer your expertise when needed, but at the same time – don’t micromanage. Give them their space and trust them to get the job done – while making yourself available to answer questions. It can be a tricky balance, as you still want to be sure they meet deadlines, but demonstrating that you have confidence in their abilities goes a long way in creating a positive work environment.
Be An Industry Leader
You’re in a position of leadership for a reason. You have knowledge and experience that others on the team do not. However, you need to constantly be educating yourself on how your industry is evolving if you want to keep ahead of the curve. Read news articles and blogs, attend conferences, and listen to podcasts so you can stay aware of how your industry is changing. Be sure to discuss these findings with your team regularly, so that you can continue to help them grow professionally as well.
Do you have a team you manage? Are you a #GirlBoss? We’d love to hear your thoughts on our tips and hear any tips that you may have for being an amazing boss!
Emily Sprinkle, also known as Emma Loggins, is a designer, marketer, blogger, and speaker. She is the Editor-In-Chief for Women's Business Daily where she pulls from her experience as the CEO and Director of Strategy for Excite Creative Studios, where she specializes in web development, UI/UX design, social media marketing, and overall strategy for her clients.
Emily has also written for CNN, Autotrader, The Guardian, and is also the Editor-In-Chief for the geek lifestyle site FanBolt.com
- Emma Loggins Sprinklehttps://www.womensbusinessdaily.com/author/emma-loggins/
- Emma Loggins Sprinklehttps://www.womensbusinessdaily.com/author/emma-loggins/
- Emma Loggins Sprinklehttps://www.womensbusinessdaily.com/author/emma-loggins/
- Emma Loggins Sprinklehttps://www.womensbusinessdaily.com/author/emma-loggins/