What does it mean to have a November zodiac sign? Out of all the twelve 12 astrological signs, the November zodiac signs probably have the most interesting characters and traits. You probably already know from your monthly horoscopes that if you’re born in November, you could either be a Scorpio or a Sagittarius. These are two very opposite signs that, surprisingly, also blend really well together.
Did you know that one day can make a huge difference regarding your astrological sign? If one day separates you from another sun sign, how different can your signs be? Are there any similarities? What are the key differences?
November is the month that ushers in winter, representing rest, isolation, and closure. People born in November give off major Hermit energy – they value self-reflection and privacy a lot. That doesn’t mean they’re closed off to the world, though. They’re just really picky about the people they choose to open up to.
A Sagittarius and Scorpio horoscope can be very different. Let’s take a look at what makes these November signs tick, and what makes them similar and different.
November Zodiac Sign Characteristics
While both Scorpio and Sagittarius share similar personality traits, these signs are also notably different from each other. For example, Scorpion energy is easy to spot as they are the most intense out of all the zodiac signs.
Sagittarian energy, however, is all about adventure and spontaneity. They are very secretive, like Scorpios. To better understand both November zodiac signs, here are some important facts about them.
Scorpio Personality
If you were born on October 23 to November 21, you are a Scorpio. To be astrologically accurate, your Sun Sign is in the sign of Scorpio, the eighth sign in the astrological wheel.
Scorpio is a water sign, which explains why they feel intense emotions most of the time, yet they do not try to run away from it. Scorpios crave emotional connection and want someone who understands their tendency to dwell on the shadow side of life.
Unlike its fellow water signs, Cancer and Pisces, Scorpios tend to have a tighter grasp over their emotions. While Cancer and Pisces can be outwardly emotional, for Scorpios, all the turbulence is happening on the inside. This is probably why most Scorpios are so mysterious and secretive. Instead of wearing their heart on their sleeve, Scorpios will pour all that intensity into their passions and goals.
A Scorpio defines themselves by their intensity. They’re intense in their determination to excel professionally, and they love those around them with the same passion.
A Scorpio is deeply in touch with their emotions but isn’t quick to share those thoughts with others. They use their emotional center to drive their decisions and fuel their passion.
They are determined to achieve their goals, and once they set their mind to something, you’d better not get in their way; they’re going to do everything they can to achieve those goals. No matter how difficult the task ahead of them is, they will power through with their bravery and tenacity.
They shoot for the moon and set their sights on something beyond themselves. Not even the sky is the limit for a Scorpio.
Scorpio Relationships
To be a friend with a Scorpio is to be truly loved. Once they find their people, they are deeply loyal and will do anything to bring their loved ones joy.
They will tell you the truth, even if you don’t want to hear it, but not in a way that is meant to harm you. They only want to help. So they will give you the truth leading you toward a better way of living.
It could be challenging to get close to a Scorpio at first, as they are sometimes hard to read. However, once they decide you’re worth opening the door to their secret underworld for, you will have won a friend for life. This zodiac sign will show love and loyalty beyond compare and can be deeply protective over their loved ones.
As a sign ruled by Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, Scorpios are the embodiment of destructive behaviors, like the need for control. However, even the darkest experiences could never bog them down – Scorpios will always rise from their own ashes.
A Scorpio’s ideal home life is filled with routines and stability, as it is a fixed sign. Much like its fellow fixed sign, Taurus, Scorpios are very sensual and seductive, making them great lovers.
Overall, Scorpio (October or November) babies are some of the most loyal friends, and dedicated lovers out of the 12 zodiac signs.
Sagittarius Personality
While Scorpios possess traits that make them a bit too “serious,” Sagittarius, on the other hand, is the CEO of being outgoing, spontaneous, and nonchalant. These fiery signs, represented by the Archer in mythology, celebrate their season from November 22 to December 21.
Sagittarius are very curious, and the natural adventurers and explorers of the zodiac signs, which unfortunately makes them flighty and fickle at times. This fire sign would rather spend time in a bustling street in an exotic country, busking for coins to buy their next plane ticket. They hate the feeling of routine and being tied down to one place, career, a state of mind, or a person.
Born under the influence of Jupiter, Sagittarius is all about expansion, abundance, and giving your best shot. “Go big or go home” is the theme of every Sagittarius when it comes to their career and ambitions. They’re often very smart, sexy and savvy too, so it’s not difficult for them to achieve their goals.
A true Sagittarius is known for their intelligence. They have both emotional and practical intelligence, so they can discern what is bothering someone, and they can also find solutions in the office. This intelligence comes with a philosophical sophistication and a desire for deep, meaningful conversations.
Sagittarius Relationships
Like Scorpios, a Sagittarius is as loyal as they come. They’ll never abandon you once they adopt you as one of their closest friends. They also have a deep kindness about them that makes them pleasant to be around.
A Sagittarius is honest and true. They are also interested in keeping other people honest and will call someone out on a lie when they feel it is necessary.
In love, Sagittarius is known to be very bold, pushy, spontaneous, and frank. Unlike Scorpios, however, Sagittarius can be very straightforward with what they want out of a relationship. No mind-reading is needed here, Sags will tell it like it is.
Sagittarius is most compatible with their fellow fire signs, Leo and/or Aries, as well as air signs, Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra. Earth signs and water signs? Not so much. If you’re a Sagittarius sun, it’s best find someone to run with, not someone who will cage you.
Differences and Similarities Between the November Zodiac Signs
Despite their shared birth month, these two signs have significant differences. Let’s look at what traits they have in common and analyze what makes their motivations and approaches to these characteristics different.
You have a steadfast friend in both a Scorpio and a Sagittarius. They take loyalty to the next level. This is one trait that they have in common without question. However, Sagittarius has no problem with striking it out on their own, as they have the trait of independence. A Scorpio can fall into codependence and rely on other people.
In the office, both Sagitarriuses and Scorpios are a professional asset. However, what makes them great at their jobs is different for each of them.
A Sagittarius is intelligent. They use their wits to get ahead. Work smarter, not harder.
A Scorpio thinks differently; hard work and determination are the way to go. No amount of effort will be spared when it comes to a Scorpio looking to achieve their goal.
Both Sagittarius and Scorpio have a passion for honesty. They will tell the truth, even if the other person doesn’t want to hear it. However, a Sagittarius takes it one step further and will call out others when they are not being honest.
A Scorpio’s compassion will outweigh their desire for truth, as they don’t want to hurt anyone. They think the best of everyone, and even if a lie was told, they’ll assume it was coming from a place of kindness or necessity.
Zodiac Sign Dates
While the exact end and start dates change depending on leap years, here are the dates of each of the zodiac signs. If you fall on a start or end date, check the specific calendar from the year you were born.
If you’re looking for more detailed information, use our birth chart calculator to generate a free personalized birth report for yourself.
- Aries Dates: March 21-April 19
- Taurus Dates: April 20-May 20
- Gemini Dates: May 21-June 20
- Cancer Dates: June 21-July 22
- Leo Dates: July 23-August 22
- Virgo Dates: August 23-September 22
- Libra Dates: September 23-October 22
- Scorpio Dates: October 23-November 21
- Sagittarius Dates: November 22-December 21
- Capricorn Dates: December 22-January 20
- Aquarius Dates: January 21-February 18
- Pisces Dates: February 19-March 20
Compatible Signs
Did you know that your signs not only tell you about yourself? You can learn what other signs you have compatibility with as well! By taking a look at the traits and modalities, you can see how you’d match with others both platonically and romantically.
Previously, we’ve mentioned that Sagittarius and Scorpio are two very opposite signs. Firstly, Sagittarius needs a lot of space to be free, to be outgoing and to have fun; to explore themselves and the world. Meanwhile, Scorpios can be very possessive and private – what’s theirs is theirs, and they don’t wanna share. Thus, this becomes a source of conflict for every couple or friendship with these zodiac placements.
On the other hand, however, both zodiac signs can balance each other out nicely and can even complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses. This is especially because Scorpio is a water sign, while Sagittarius is a fire sign. With the right approach, both November zodiac signs can create a perfectly harmonious life together.
Scorpios, for their part, can help Sagittarius get a bit more in touch with their sensitive side. They can help Sagittarius understand that not all problems can be solved by running away; instead, they need to stay still and sit with their emotions.
Sagittarius are very open-minded, and conscientious; they do not judge people easily, and are not easily frightened. This Sagittarius quality creates a safe space for Scorpios to be vulnerable. Scorpios need emotional security, someone that can be trusted with their deepest, darkest secrets. Sagittarius, as playful and outgoing as they may be, are actually very private persons as well, and so they’re the perfect emotional refuge for Scorpios.
Scorpio Compatibility
Scorpios have a deep intensity that not every sign can match. They won’t look for something superficial or waste time on someone they can’t truly connect with. Why spend time on something less than truly authentic passion?
Both partners don’t necessarily need to possess the same level of intensity. But they both need to have the drive to explore each other’s mysterious sides. A willingness to stay up late to have deep conversations is a must. Building relational trust and depth needs to come from both partners, not just the Scorpio prying at their partner.
Scorpio Compatibility Signs
As a fixed water sign, Scorpios appreciate the stability that comes with a trusting, stable relationship. They tend to communicate best with the other water signs: Cancer, Pisces, and other Scorpios. That stability they crave can also be found in earth signs: Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn. Any of those signs will work well romantically, as they both have the depth and groundedness a Scorpio requires.
On the other hand, the flighty nature of the air signs (Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra) will be a huge turn off for Scorpios. They can’t stand a relationship that isn’t set up for long-lasting stability.
A one-night-stand with a fire sign (Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo) would offer fiery sexual chemistry. However, long-term chemistry isn’t guaranteed once the hot flame burns out.
Cancer Compatibility
Cancers live emotional lives and they enjoy feeling at home and comforted. They need someone they can depend on and feel safe with.
Sensitive and sweet, Cancers can bring out hidden emotions in others as well. They’re able to have deep, thoughtful conversations and don’t hide away from the tough stuff. They won’t waste time on small talk. Preferring authenticity to superficiality, they also can read other people’s emotions accurately as well.
Cancer Compatibility Signs
As a cardinal water sign, Cancers communicate well with other water signs: Pisces and Scorpios. They all speak with emotional intelligence and sensitivity. As a rather emotional sign, Cancers can get easily offended and hurt by a wayward comment. Someone who doesn’t put a lot of thought into the way their words could get received by others could easily say something upsetting to a Cancer.
As an emotional individual, Cancers thrive in stable environments. Signs that help create a grounded energy will help Cancers thrive, so of course, they work well with Earth signs: Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn.
Cancer and Scorpio: A Water Sign Relationship
Considering the mutual needs for emotional depth and stability, Cancers and Scorpios pair well together. Whether they’re two people who have developed a lifelong friendship or a couple that has fallen in love, Cancers and Scorpios make excellent partners.
Sagittarius Compatibility
A Sagittarius lives boldly. They go big in everything they do and want to live full, exciting lives. Their curiosity can turn a simple errand trip into a full-blown adventure.
They need someone who can keep up with them. Likely, they won’t do well with an introvert who always wants date night to be a movie and take-out at home. Their partner needs to challenge them to become a better person. Both of them need to want to try new things. This couple will stay open-minded and will always want to explore all the beautiful things the world has to offer.
Sagittarius Compatibility Signs
A sure-fire (pun intended) sign that will keep a Sagittarius engaged is one of the other fire signs: Aries, Leo, or another Sagittarius. Sagittariuses need to feel challenged, and someone equally excited about exploration is necessary to keep them engaged. If a Sagittarius always has to be the one to get the couple to go out and try something new, they’ll start to feel disheartened.
They also pair well with air signs (Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra). An air sign never says no to an exciting adventure. They have the energy and intrigue to follow whichever way the wind takes them. However, an air sign’s flighty nature could frustrate a Sagittarius if they bail on exciting plans the pair had decided on together.
Sagittarius Love: Loving Their Own Sign
A Sagittarius sets themself apart as intelligent, loyal, and adventurous. Likely, the best pairing for this November Zodiac sign is someone of the same sign. They’ll want equal enthusiasm from their partner: someone who intellectually challenges them and ups the ante on their date night adventures.
A Sagittarius doesn’t want someone to keep them grounded. They want a twin flame that can set them ablaze.
November Zodiac Signs Are a Sign of Loyalty
Whether you’re a Sagittarius or Scorpio, your astrological sign is all about loyalty. You constantly pay attention to those you love to ensure they are thriving, and you will stand by your loved ones’ sides until the very end. You are dedicated to those you love and will do anything to ensure they are happy.
These traits are essential in the workplace. If you want to use your November Zodiac sign to further your career, join WBD! We’re here to help you thrive in whatever career you choose by using the skills that come naturally to you. Check out our membership levels and join us today!
Author, Artist, Photographer.
Sarah Margaret is an artist who expresses her love for feminism, equality, and justice through a variety of mediums: photography, filmmaking, poetry, illustration, song, acting, and of course, writing.
She owns Still Poetry Photography, a company that showcases her passion for capturing poetic moments in time. Instead of poetry in motion, she captures visual poetry in fractions of a second, making cherished keepsakes of unforgettable moments.
She is the artist behind the Still Poetry Etsy shop, which houses her illustrations and bespoke, handmade items. She is the author of intricacies are just cracks in the wall, a narrative poetry anthology that follows a young woman discovering herself as she emerges from an abusive relationship.
- Sarah Margaret Henryhttps://www.womensbusinessdaily.com/author/sarah-margaret-henry/
- Sarah Margaret Henryhttps://www.womensbusinessdaily.com/author/sarah-margaret-henry/
- Sarah Margaret Henryhttps://www.womensbusinessdaily.com/author/sarah-margaret-henry/
- Sarah Margaret Henryhttps://www.womensbusinessdaily.com/author/sarah-margaret-henry/