Why Authenticity And Trust Are Brand Boosters

Have you ever shopped online and saw that many different businesses were selling the product you were looking for? You might have been using Google Shopping or Amazon, which is where many different online retail stores sell their products to the masses that are using search engines specifically. Chances are that you only trusted about a fraction of the businesses that had the product. You looked for a few things first, such the user review rating, the price authenticity and the guarantees that came along with the purchase of the item. What does all this mean? Consumers know that online fraud and cybercrime is very real. The search for the ‘real thing’ is ever-present in their minds. So how can your business boost your brand by using authenticity and brand awareness?

Work with top wholesalers

Partnerships are the best way for your products to be sold from other businesses. That’s why it’s recommended that you form a relationship with retail giants such as Amazon, eBay, Ali Baba, Google, House of Fraser, John Lewis, Walmart etc. Customers want to know that they’re going to be buying brand new products that are not used and have the seal of approval from your business and the wholesaler’s. The wholesaler you work with will also give a visual stamp that if they buy your product they will be under the umbrella of guarantee. For example, Amazon has the ‘Amazon’s Choice’ icon next to the product’s of the businesses they have partnered with.

Stopping undercut wars

The online world is thousands of times bigger than the real world when it comes to business. Resellers actually make up a lot of the numbers for retail stores online. However, these reselling websites are usually rogue and they are in legal grey areas. For example, if a business owner buys a lot of products from your business and then resells them on his or her’s, that is a legal grey area and undercuts your own business. Those that want to work with you can be brought on board for a fee of the profits they make. However, the main point is to stop having yourself and your partners be undercut by resellers that sell your product for much less than the real worth to make a quick buck.

Hammering the counterfeiters

Counterfeiting in places like China is a major problem. Businesses around the world lose billions thanks to intellectual property thieves. The first thing to do is to add a mark of verification to prove product authenticity. This can be something like a complex stamp, a unique material that’s used, or simply high-tech manufacturing techniques that do not allow counterfeit products to be made so cheaply without being so obviously fake. Working with government agencies and trading standard groups also protects the license of your products. 

In this extremely fast-moving and complex world, protecting your brand has become more difficult. Work with wholesalers to get a stamp of approval from them to their customers. 

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