How to Clean Out Your Office The Right Way

Nearly every single business relocation, office renovation and business closure, throws up a whole bunch of equipment, furniture and paperwork that is no longer needed. Any time a company does anything to do with changing things around, there is a clear out that has to happen. It’s a wonderful way for a business to shake off the cobwebs and get rid of the extra supplies and furniture that have been sitting in your storage closets for months. There’s no more use for them, despite the amount of time you’ve told yourself you will use them again. With all those electronics knocking around, it can be difficult to know what to do with them next, and trying to find the budget to dispose of them isn’t easy if you haven’t considered those long-forgotten items for a while.

The redistribution of office furniture and IT equipment isn’t as easy as walking to the nearest electrical shop and selling them on. There is a unique set of challenges that surround the redistribution or disposal of old equipment, and it could become a major problem if you don’t know how to manage it correctly. If you want to get something out of the surplus in your office rather than just send it to the dump, we’ve got some tips that will help you out. You can minimize the financial strain, the impact to the environment and make your life easier in the long run. Check out the tips below!

List It!

Making an inventory of all your office furniture, both the things you are keeping and what you have had in storage is important. Firstly, you may be able to reuse your own stuff in the new premises and secondly, you need to have a clear and concise list of what you own so you can tell the movers what to grab and what to leave. Your list should include numbers of each item, barcode details, dimensions and the conditions of the items. If you have equipment from IT that no longer works, then make a note that it doesn’t work. Test all electronics and check the condition of furnishings. The better condition they are in, the easier it will be for you to manage. Things like filing cabinets can generate a cash return for their metal value, and certain brands of office furniture can be easily sold on.

Understand Goals

The goal here is a financial return on your items, right? Once you’ve ascertained that is what you can gain from your items, you can start planning the removal of the items to the right places, whether that’s the person buying from you or the dump for the items you cannot sell. Delegate here and have your team help you to manage your sales.

Prepare For Risks

Managing a large office surplus takes time, and you have to think about the risks involved. These include the fact that the second-hand market is unpredictable, the amount of time that it takes to manage the project and disrupts your office time and the possible storage fees you will need to pay. You also may be aware of the risks to the environment if you dispose of any technology improperly. Some of these risks are hard to maneuver around, but with careful planning and the right support you can do it!

Budget Plan

When you’re clearing out the office, you need to consider how much you want to pay for a company to help you dispose of the items you don’t want. You need to estimate the costs of removals, dismantling furniture and the logistics surrounding the move itself. If you end up wanting to run an auction for charity or turn your surplus into a business garage sale, you need to consider the costs of running a small event to get it all sold.

When you want to recycle old office furniture, you have to consider the environmental and financial impacts involved. If you have assessed these and still have deemed it worth it, then you can liquidate or landfill your surplus equipment and furniture correctly. There’s no point in dumping what could be big cash for your business because you cannot be bothered to get it right. Do it right the first time, and you can be in the plus with your business wallet!


Published in Business