Top Careers That Will Always Need You

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We live in a time where a lot of jobs can be completed by a robot. This is rather scary as it means you may be without a job in the not-too-distant future. If you want to change your career now to one that will stand the test of time then go for it. It may be tricky thinking of which career path to go down. Take a look at the list below to find jobs that won’t go out of fashion. 


One of the first jobs on the list is childcare. While there are some aspects of looking after children a robot could do, they can’t do it all. Families will always need actual people to take care of their children. If you love working with children and helping them develop then this is a great career choice for you. You may need to go back to school or college if you don’t have the necessary qualifications but it won’t take you long to get them. 


Similar to childcare, there will always be a need for teachers. You won’t suddenly walk into a school one day and find a robot teaching a whole call of students. Becoming a teacher is a lot more hard work than childcare.

It requires a couple more years of studying, you will also need to be placed on various work assignments. Being a teacher can be incredibly hard but also very rewarding when you watch the kids grow and learn new skills. 


There has been evidence previously that there are robots carrying out surgeries on patients. However, robots can’t do everything in the medical field. They won’t be able to look at a patient and diagnose a problem.

Becoming a practitioner in the medical field will take a lot of work and you are best to do it while you are younger. This way you can have more time to enjoy your chosen career. You will need to make sure you have all the stuff you need to be a medical practitioner, for instance, a stethoscope and doctor torch. 


There will never ever be robots taking on the form of actors or actresses in big-time movie roles. This is something that will just never happen, human beings have emotions and facial expressions that robots won’t be able to replicate. If you find your niche is acting and you love being in the limelight then think about signing up for some theatre schools or acting agencies. 


Finally, have you ever seen a robot typing? Well maybe, but they won’t be able to travel the world or eat at restaurants and become a blogger.

This is one career that is safe from robots taking over. Although you are technically using a robot to do your blogging, that is a story for another day, maybe a story you can tell on your blog site. Find a specific interest that you want your site to focus on. One that will connect with your readers and make them chuckle. You can go for an all-around category blog but these tend to fold quite quickly. 

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