How To Exit A Toxic Workplace Situation

Lady Boss Aggravated

There are many reasons why working in a toxic workplace can be a truly terrible thing. To begin with, you might feel trapped. All of us know that in order to sustain our quality of life and to provide for those we need to care for, we need to remain employed. This can mean that job-hobbing without care and consideration isn’t the easiest thing. Perhaps in your early 20s, without anyone to care for, quitting a job at a moment’s notice can be recovered from. But many of us don’t live lifestyles like that.

On top of this, it can feel like your time has been wasted in this area. Most of us are hardworking women, and we know the value of time. Trying to secure work while simply coping with our own hellish workplace can be a truly difficult job. It’s incredibly important to learn how to exit a toxic workplace situation, and to try to better yourself through the process.

It’s not always easy, but getting through this can often serve as a valuable career lesson. But that doesn’t mean you should simply ‘take it.’ Please, consider:

Collect Evidence

It can often be that when in a toxic workplace, the proper channels of help are closed to you. HR might even be complicit in this mistreatment, or the size of the firm suggests you can’t confidentially register your complaint. This is not acceptable, and there can be legal repercussions for this. Before you leave, it’s essential to collect evidence of your mistreatment. But don’t artificially stay too long. Recording evidence of your boss making you work overtime to complete another employee’s work while allowing said employee close to them to head home might work.

Verbal mistreatment might work to record. Keep the evidence in as much detail as possible. However, do not stay on and collect evidence if you are in danger. For example, sexual harassment is not just something you should ‘put up with.’ It could be that saving texts and voicemails and heading straight to the police station is essential here. But for the most part, the more evidence you collect, the stronger the case against those responsible.

Use Professional Legal Counsel

It can often be the case that using professional legal counsel can help you avoid any blunders you might make ahead of time that could dilute your case. When in the hands of professionals, you will gain expert advice and feel taken care of, which can help this transition process feel that little bit smoother to deal with.

Voice Your Concerns

More often than not, a vocal presence criticizing working conditions at a company can be worthwhile. Voice your concerns about those issues on social media. Use websites such as Glassdoor to comment on a company working culture. Potentially find those who can back up your story. Workers rights are an important part of the online sphere these days, and you might be able to use that to your advantage, even through a pseudonym.

With these tips, exiting a toxic workplace situation will tip a little more in the direction of justice.

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