4 Steps To Take To Move Up In Your Career

If you’ve been in the same job role for longer than you’ve expected; it might be time to ask yourself why that is. If you’re feeling stagnant in your current position, it can lead to a poor performance at work, which puts both your job and any other future opportunities, at risk. So, take a look through the following steps to help inspire you to take action and move up in your career.

Be Proactive

When you’re down and unmotivated each day at your desk, the last thing you’ll feel like doing is getting home after work and making huge life decisions. However, if you’re able to set aside some quality time each weekend to plan out your next career move; you’ll be looking forward to your Monday mornings before you know it. The first thing you need to decide is if you want to search for a new role within your current career or begin on the path of a whole new sector.

Once you’ve chosen the field you’re ready to jump into, you can start scoping out what’s available out there. You might find that the job you’re dreaming of doesn’t exactly exist, so you need to be realistic, and inform yourself of what routes you’ll actually be able to take. Once you’ve found the job role you desire, it’s time to start planning how you’re going to grab it; and there’s no time like the present. Don’t waste time moping about your current position, use your energy to find a new one before they all pass you by!

Polish Your Skills

If your dream role is out there; great, that’s one step to tick off your list. The next thing you need to figure out is if you have the required skills and qualifications to apply for any positions that may pop up. Create a list of the key skills, attributes, and education, the job role entails. Once you’ve ticked off the majority and added them to your resume, it’s essential to focus on the things that you’ll need to learn, practice and qualify for.

Look into courses that are available online, or at your local college and start them as soon as you’re able to. Even if you have fully completed a course when you’re called to an interview, the fact that you began the process will be an excellent addition to your resume and the employer will appreciate your effort. Look into careers paths where you can train on the job, and be sure to express your enthusiasm to learn when you walk through the doors of the business. A positive outlook and willingness to learn are attributes that many companies look out for when it comes to hiring; so project them both!

Seek Help Where Needed

You’ve done a lot of hard work already in finding which direction your want to take career-wise, and what skills you’ll need to brush up on beforehand. Therefore, discovering new and suitable job roles is no easy task. There are services available that can point you and your potential employers in the right direction. By utilizing the help offered from a professional service; you’ll save a ton of precious time that you’d otherwise spend trawling through the vast job-market jungle.

There is an array of services and advice, on careers that are suitable for your skill set, online and in libraries. Help to find the correct job for you are there for a reason; they assist the economy, in the long run, so you may as well utilize them and gain career success.

Don’t Stop Trying

There will always be lows and highs when it comes to job availability; it’s just the nature of the market. However, try your best not to lose momentum once you’ve started to look for your next career move. If you’re regularly taking proactive steps towards the right job; you’re more likely to catch the wave when the job availability has risen. Expect knock backs along the way; there will always be multiple candidates for each role, but the key is not to get too disheartened.

If you get a “no” then go grab a coffee at your favorite cafe, take it on the chin, and keep going. If you’ve waste time feeling sorry for yourself for too long, then somebody else will be at the ready to step into a role that you should’ve taken. The right career move is waiting out there for you; you just have to be ready to find it!


Published in Career