Search Results for: brittany garman

Superbowl Snacks

4 Go-To Super Bowl Snacks

Contributor Post Entrepreneur: Brittany Garman Company: Mina and Vine Title: Co-Founder Industry: Apparel The Superbowl is just days away and if you are anything like

3 Money Saving Party Tips

Contributor Post Entrepreneur: Brittany Garman Company: Mina and Vine Title: Co-Founder Industry: Apparel Fall is in full effect and you know what that means… great

Powder Room

5 Tips for Prepping Your Powder Room

Contributor Post Entrepreneur: Brittany Garman Company: BashBLOK Title: Co-Founder Industry: Event Planning You guessed it, this post is completely dedicated to the importance of a

Makeup Bag

3 Small Bag Beauty Must-Haves

Contributor Post Entrepreneur: Brittany Garman Company: BashBLOK Title: Co-Founder Industry: Event Planning You’ve been invited to an event. Yay! After getting yourself bash beautiful you

Dinner Party with Friends

Etiquette Is Always In Style

Contributor Post Entrepreneur: Brittany Garman Company: BashBLOK Title: Co-Founder Industry: Event Planning At BashBLOK, we think good manners are always appreciated. Whether it be at

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