Tips on How to Care for Elderly Relatives


Getting older is a harsh reality of life. It happens to us all without mercy. You seem to have eternity when your 21, but that is so far from the truth it hurts. There are any number of illnesses that can affect you as you age, as well as mobility issues. If you have a family member that you need to look after, it can be a struggle at times. You may have them living with you, or perhaps they live at home, and you are there for a few hours every day helping them out. Whatever your circumstances, to make life a little easier, we have come up with some tips to help you look after those elderly relatives.


The first thing to bear in mind is that no matter how hard it is for you, it is going to be worse for your relative. There is a pride issue when it comes to becoming incapacitated, which can be extremely devastating mentally for the elderly person involved. In the case of dementia, this can be scary, confusing, and pretty heartbreaking. If you are going to care for a person at home, then you need to be aware that it can be demanding, not just for you physically, but mentally, and emotionally too.

Don’t take it all on

Even if the elderly relative is living with you, that does not mean you need to take on all the responsibility yourself. Never be too proud to organize a timetable with siblings, or other family members, or even close friends. You may want to think about having a carer come in every so often to reduce the burden on yourself. Perhaps an arrangement could be made that someone take them to the hospital, another to other outings, etc. They can also help with the costs of food, for example, and various other home care facilities.

Comfortable living

If your family member is staying at home, then you will need to ensure the house is set up for them. You may need a slope to get up to the front door and bars in the bathroom to assist movement. It may be an idea to invest in a Hospital Bed to help prevent falls and discomfort and to ensure they get a good night’s sleep. Ensure that the areas that they will be moving about are free from clutter, so they get about easily too.

Keep elderly relatives active

Ensure that you do take them out and involve them in family activities and outings. Keep the conversation going and promote talks between the children and elderly relatives. This gives the kids the chance to learn something about the old days, and elderly relatives can teach them something. Bear in mind, that conversation and recalling things is a great way to keep the mind active. Play games, such as memory games. It doesn’t all have to be bad. There will be some really good times that all the family can enjoy. The best thing you can do is accept the inevitable and ride it all the way. You will all have a better life and happier memories for it.

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