How You Should be Spending Your Sundays

Sundays are the perfect opportunity for a little “me time” and self-care.

It can be a struggle for some of us to break away from the computer and work. That feeling eats at us – that just a  few extra hours on the weekend can help us get caught up before entering another full week. The reality is, getting caught up is a myth. There’s always more work you could be doing.

What’s not a myth though, is burnout. So take the opportunity that Sunday brings before you, use this day as a day to reset your mind, body, and emotions. Doing so will make you more productive, recharged, and refreshed during the week.

Here are seven suggestions for how you should be spending your Sundays:

7 Suggestions for How You Should be Spending Your Sundays

Get Outdoors

If the weather permits, get outside and spend some time enjoying the fresh air and sunshine (may the weather be ever in your favor)! Letting go of your worries for a stroll through your neighborhood, local park, or even a hiking trail can not help you stay in shape both physically and mentally. 

Plan the Upcoming Week

Sundays are a great time to think ahead and layout your upcoming week. If you have a planner, write down everything you need to do. From appointments to phone calls to what you plan on making for dinner each night, knowing you have a structure for the upcoming week can help to relieve stress and anxiety as you enter in the new work week. 

Do or Start a Hobby

If you already have a hobby, this is a great day to spend a little time on it. And if you don’t already have one, allow yourself the time to pick one up. You may find a new passion or just a chance for your brain to reset and focus on something new and challenging. Either way, you’re giving yourself a breather and a moment for a little self-care.

Meal Prep

Meal prepping on Sundays will save you so much time during the week. There are so many recipes where you can simply make or prep the meal, freeze it, and dump it into the crockpot the morning of. 

If cooking isn’t what you feel like doing on your day off, you could even just prep the food (cutting it up, dividing it up, etc.) beforehand so it’s ready to grab and cook on the day of. If this still doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, maybe it’s just a trip to the store or farmers market to get everything you need for the week ahead. Any of these options will save you plenty of time throughout the week.

Pamper Yourself

There’s no better way to relax and refresh than with a pedicure, a hot bath, and a face mask. Forget about your to-do list, forget about all the calls you’ll need to make next week, and simply relax. Stay in and start some DIY spa day projects, or head out to an actual spa, nail salon, or hair salon. This is what Sundays are made for. 

Start (or Finish) a Book

Reading is such a great escape, and it’s something that so many of us don’t make time for – despite the fact that it’s proven to boost our mental and physical health. Whether it’s motivational self-help books, suspenseful thrillers, romance, fantasy, or science fiction, whatever the topic – treat yourself to the escape.

Get Some Sleep

The best thing you can do at the end of the weekend is relax and get a good night’s sleep. Hopping into bed at a decent hour will set you up for a successful week, and you’ll wake up Monday feeling refreshed and ready to tackle your to-do list. 

What’s your favorite way to spend a Sunday? We’d love to know! Leave a comment below.

Published in Featured Articles, Life
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Alyson Pittman is a contributing writer for WBD and a JR marketing associate for Excite Creative Studios, an Atlanta-based creative agency.

Alyson graduated from Kennesaw State University with a Bachelors of Business Administration and a concentration in Marketing. She was in multiple organizations at KSU where she held leadership positions. As a part of the Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority, Alyson held the Social Coordinator position and planned/promoted large events.