7 Side Hustles for an Extra Income

Are you looking for a little bit of extra money? Maybe you already have a full-time job, a part-time job, or you’re just bored with some spare time on your hands. Regardless, you have multiple options for side jobs and additional income if you’re interested. Side hustles are a great way to earn extra cash, as well as take up some spare time you may have. 

Why Might You Need a Side Hustle?

If you’re saving up for a big purchase or vacation, wanting to make a little extra money here or there could be extremely helpful. Or maybe you want to have extra money for a “just in case” situation. There are so many reasons why having a side hustle is a great idea! Instead of cutting costs from your budget, you can take your skills and make a little extra on your time off. Not to mention, an extra job can help to strengthen your skills, develop new talents, network and meet new people, and of course, give you experience.

The best side gig you can get is one that has a lot of flexibility and minimal effort but still pays well. Of course, you’ll always be putting in the hours and the work, but not to the point where it’s becoming a second full-time job. You don’t want to work a side job that you don’t enjoy doing. After all, side hustles are something you’re doing in your free time. 

There aren’t downsides to side hustles – unless you are not enjoying it or it’s stressing you out. Both of which can be short term. So if it isn’t for you, don’t worry. You’re not trapped. Find something you are passionate about or something you enjoy doing and use it to your advantage! Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Virtual Assistant

The tasks of a virtual assistant (or VA) can range depending on the person or business you are working for. Generally, you are self-employed and do a variety of clerical, administrative, technical, or creative tasks. There are variations of tasks that virtual assistants tackle – such as scheduling, running social media accounts, creating graphics for social media platforms, responding to emails, etc.

Businesses who need virtual assistants range from small to large. Even some people who are freelancers will often look for a VA to help with their workload. It is typically short hours, although there are opportunities for longer hours, and is flexible. Plus, it is usually a work-from-home job.

Teach English Online

An excellent opportunity to gain a side income is to teach English online. Most sites are for teaching children, so usually you will need a little bit of experience. One of the best things about this side hustle, you are also getting an opportunity to help someone. Not to mention, you’ll meet people all over the world. 

You can even earn around $22 an hour from this side hustle. You don’t have to have a ton of spare time, either. Certain sites allow you to create 25-minute lessons when you are available. 

Walk Dogs or Pet Sit

If you love animals, this could be a perfect way to earn extra money. There are several dog walking apps now that make it easy and safe for both you and the dog owner. You can set your rate and walk the dog at the time the owner needs you. 

Pet sitting is another excellent side gig that can get you extra money. Although not consistent, pet sitting can still help you earn extra cash when you need it. Many people look for someone they can trust with their homes and animals when they are out of town. And there are some great apps and websites that allow you to find the perfect job for you. 

Become a Freelancer

A freelancer is someone who is self-employed and isn’t obligated to commit to a long-term position. If you already have a marketable skill, then freelancing could be a great side hustle for you! Some freelancing jobs look for graphic designers, web designers, bloggers, copywriters or editors, etc. 

If you already enjoy doing these things, why not make some extra income from it? There are sites like UpWork, Fiverr, and even Facebook groups that share opportunities with people in many different areas of work. You can typically have a set rate or work with your employer on an hourly rate.

Start a Blog

Do you love writing? Are you passionate about a specific thing? Well, blogging could be a perfect fit! With social media being what it is, blogging has skyrocketed and become a great side hustle or even a full-time job for a few lucky ones.

As a blogger, you are your own boss. This means you can write when you want to, about what you want to, and decide how much time to put into it. Of course, you’ll find statistics and measures that will tell you how often to post and when. These tools are incredibly beneficial for you and your blog and could help you to start earning more money by putting content out at the right time.


Blogging is a great way to build a network, meet new people, work with more prominent companies, and get your foot in the door. Who knows? Maybe you can quit your job one day and take blogging on to be your occupation! 

Sell Your Old Things

Okay, admit it. You still have some of your old clothes from years past that you haven’t touched. We’ve all been there. Maybe it’s not just clothes, either. Perhaps you have old furniture, house decor, shoes, jewelry, etc. that is sitting in storage and is useless to you. 

You know the saying, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” The 2020s is a time where that phrase would come into good use. There’s no point in keeping old things that you don’t want or need (unless they’re family keepsakes, of course). 

If you have old belongings that no longer serve a purpose in your life, get rid of them. Sites like eBay, Poshmark, Facebook Marketplace, etc. make selling your old things easy! Plus, you can do this whenever you get the time and energy! 

You’re not only decluttering, but your old things will be put to use again or repurposed by someone who needs or wants them. It’s a win-win for everyone.  

Create a Small Business on Etsy

If crafting and DIY are things you enjoy doing, this is perfect! Etsy is all about creativity. It can be anything from clothes to wall art. You can create a small business (or your own shop) and begin crafting!

Etsy isn’t something that has to be done regularly, but if its something you enjoy, you could easily make it into a full-time thing. 

The bottom line is the site is a great way to be creative, strengthen your skills, and get to showcase your abilities. And you’ll make money and have fun while doing it, too! 

In Conclusion

Hopefully, these ideas will spark an idea or get your creative juices flowing for potential side hustles you can tackle.

Get started on an idea and plan and start making some extra money!

Do you have different side hustles? We’d love to hear it! Let us know in the comments below.


Published in Career, Life
 | Website

Alyson Pittman is a contributing writer for WBD and a JR marketing associate for Excite Creative Studios, an Atlanta-based creative agency.

Alyson graduated from Kennesaw State University with a Bachelors of Business Administration and a concentration in Marketing. She was in multiple organizations at KSU where she held leadership positions. As a part of the Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority, Alyson held the Social Coordinator position and planned/promoted large events.