6 Things to Do at Home to Lessen Screen Time

Looking for ways to lessen screen time? It can be easy to get caught up watching hours and hours of Netflix or staring at your phone, mindlessly scrolling. These may be the first things you think of doing while being stuck at home or at the end of a long day, but you have so many more options that are more productive.

Need a little push? We’ve put together a list of 6 activities you can do to lessen screentime and get more things accomplished. 

Lessen Screen Time with These 6 Activities

Read a Book

This is a great time to get into reading or pick up a new book! If you’re “just not the reading type” it may be because you haven’t found a genre that fits you yet! You can explore true crime (both fiction and nonfiction), romance, sci-fi, dystopian, scary, motivational, how-to’s, and so many more.  And if you don’t have the money to spend on new books, there are plenty of free audiobooks on Audible and Amazon, as well! 

Get Outside

The weather right now is perfect and you should definitely be enjoying it! Get outside and spend some time in the sun whether that means going for a hike, having a picnic, or just laying out by the pool. If you’ve always wanted to make a mini garden or spruce up your landscaping – this is the perfect opportunity! The options are endless and there’s no better time than now! 

Here are a few great suggestions for things you can do outside

Work Out at Home

You don’t have to have a gym membership to get in shape. Home workouts are all the craze right now and for a good reason. You don’t have to leave your home (unless you want to get outside), you don’t have to worry about other people watching you, and you can feel comfortable trying new workouts (none of those judgey looks at the gym because you can’t figure out how to use the new piece of equipment).

With so many new apps, videos, and online programs, it’s easier now than ever before. Need a little help getting started? Here is a list of the best online streaming at-home workouts.

Find a New Hobby

What better time than now to start a new hobby? There are many things you can do like painting, finally learning to play the guitar or piano, learning a new language, taking up yoga, whatever best suits you. All it takes is just 15 minutes a day to start to pick up a new skill.

Need a little inspiration, we’ve got you covered.

Relax and Practice Self-Care

Self-care is so important, and so many of us neglect it.

Make time to take a hot bath, do a face mask, paint your nails, make a healthy meal, make your own sugar scrub, meditate, etc. The time you spend either scrolling through social media – or binging the newest Netflix series, is much better spent relaxing and restoring your health.

Here’s a couple of self-care ideas you can do from home!

Learn to Cook

Cooking is such fun and practice skill to have. It saves you money, you can eat whatever you want whenever you want, you can eat healthier by knowing what’s in your food (and using fresh ingredients), and it’s actually pretty fun when you know what you’re doing! There are plenty of free resources such as cooking shows (yes, it’s on a screen, but you’re still physically doing something else), cooking books, and tutorial videos. You will thank yourself later for this one and your family and friends probably will too. 


What are some things you’re doing to lessen your screen time while at home? We’d love some new ideas! Let us know in the comments below.


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Alyson Pittman is a contributing writer for WBD and a JR marketing associate for Excite Creative Studios, an Atlanta-based creative agency.

Alyson graduated from Kennesaw State University with a Bachelors of Business Administration and a concentration in Marketing. She was in multiple organizations at KSU where she held leadership positions. As a part of the Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority, Alyson held the Social Coordinator position and planned/promoted large events.