When thinking about improving your business website, you have a lot of things to consider and it can be difficult to determine what the most important things are to focus on. Thankfully, the process doesn’t have to be difficult and, with the right tips, you can learn what you need to focus on most, instead of getting caught up in the little details.
1. Don’t Overlook Long-Form Content
Long-form content consists of written pieces that are between 1,000 and 7,000 words, and they can receive up to 77.2% more links than shorter articles, according to Backlinko. While long-form content is meant to be informational, it can also have additional benefits, such as bolstering authority and SEO (search engine optimization). Although you might think that shorter pieces are better — and they do have their uses — you shouldn’t overlook long-form, especially if it is well structured and easy to read.
2. Create a Unique Domain
Creating a unique domain for your business is something else that is highly important because you want your business to stand out from all the others. While this can be tricky, especially since around 900,000 domains are registered every week, it is possible to create a domain that works for your business. The key is to make it short, simple, and easy to remember. You don’t want something overly long or convoluted. If the name of your business is long, you may want to consider abbreviating it into something catcher and shorter that still represents you.
3. Make Sure It Is Easy To Navigate
Sites that are hard to navigate lose consumer interest quickly because no one wants to spend a lot of time trying to search through disjointed menus to try and find what they are looking for. When possible, try to simplify navigation as much as possible, with around five to seven main categories such as products, contact information, blog, about us, and so on. Quick menu options like this can make it much easier for searchers to find the information they are looking for, which can keep them on your site for much longer.
4. SEO and Meta Descriptions
When adding any content to your business website, you’ll want to ensure that it contains SEO keywords that have high search rates. This helps boost your ranking on search engines and makes it easier for customers to find your site. These keywords should also be added to your meta descriptions. Meta descriptions are short — about 160 words — and they are what will appear on the search engine below your page. You want this data to be unique and compelling enough to make people click on it. Adding a couple of keywords here that are relevant to your business can also help boost your ranking.
5. Hire a Helpful IT Service
In 2018, only about 72% of IT services provided disaster recovery services, which is something that you don’t want to be without. IT services can be especially helpful when something goes wrong on your site and you need help to fix it so that it can get back up and running. When looking for the best IT service for your business, make sure that they have experience with your industry, and that they have the ability to support your servers and software. You should also ask how fast their response time will be when you need them. Getting this information upfront can help you make the best choice for your business.
If you are looking for ways to improve your business website, keep these five tips in mind so that you’ll know what you need to focus on first and foremost. While every great site will take time to put together, by honing in on the most important components, you can help increase visibility and get it off the ground much faster.
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