5 Extraordinary Fundraising Event Ideas

You may be looking to raise funds for your non-profit organization, for a charity that’s close to your heart, for a local church, or for another cause. A great way to do so is through a fundraising event. The event doesn’t have to be extravagant, merely a creative event in which you bring people together for a great cause.

If you’re thinking of running a fundraiser and don’t know where to start, here are some extraordinary ideas that you can use for inspiration:

Organize a Craft Fair

One creative way to raise money is by hosting a craft fair. To do this effectively, start by asking a group of artists in your local area whether they would be interested in selling their work. If so, book a venue that would be a good fit. This idea is perfect for the holidays when people want to find unique presents for their friends and family.

By selling tickets at the door, you’ll be able to raise money that can be put towards your cause.

Arrange a Charity Auction 

When planning a charity auction, consider partnering with local businesses and national organizations. Then you can auction off a wide range of items – from gifts to high-ticket options such as vacations or experiences.

Plan A Trivia Night 

Everyone loves a good old fashioned trivia night! Whether you host this in a local bar or another venue, it’s the perfect opportunity to raise some money. As well as the cost of entry, consider partnering with the venue (if it’s somewhere that offers food and drink) and asking if they would donate a portion of the proceeds sold on the night.

Set Up A Concert or Festival

A festival or concert may sound expensive (and overwhelming), but the money that you can raise from this type of event can be well worth the initial investment. By setting up a music event or festival with popular acts in the local community, you’re bound to attract a crowd. Alongside the music, you could also offer food and drink or sell booths to vendors – a bonus way of raising cash along with the ticket and donations.

Hold a Brick Fundraiser

Brick fundraising is a unique way of raising money, no matter what the cause. To enact this, supporters purchase a brick and on the brick, there will be an engraving of their name. The money made from the purchases will go towards charity. 

There are plenty of companies across the nation that offer this creative fundraising idea, including Brick Markers USA, Inc. It’s a great way of memorializing the event, so it’s remembered for many years to come.

Have you hosted any of these fundraising events? Is there another type of event you love to put on? Let us know in the comments below.

Published in Business