Social Media Marketing Tips For Your Small Business

Business Social Media

In this article, we will give you some social media marketing tips for your small business. We will include monitoring your social media messages, tracking your direct marketing, highlighting fun facts about the product, monitoring your competitors, and creating content.

Monitor Your DMs

Most companies and businesses use social media for direct messages and direct marketing. About 90% of customers contact businesses in all categories using social media. When monitoring direct messages on social media to see what people are saying and thinking, the process is called social listening. There are programs or apps you can use to monitor and measure your direct messages. They will monitor keywords, conversations, follow influencers, potential customers, and collaborate on-brand campaigns.

One program, Hootsuite and Hootsuite Insights, lets you set up multiple streams so you can monitor several sites at once. You do not have to visit several different sites to monitor all of them. It will give you insights into social media posts on trends, patterns, and marketing. Another program called AdView is set up to monitor messages on Facebook and Instagram. Review Tracker allows you to monitor reviews from over 50 sites. The benefits of using these programs are you can improve your marketing to customers, increase brand awareness, and resolve problems more quickly.

Tracking Direct Marketing

When your business uses a direct marketing campaign to promote a new product or service, tracking results helps you improve methods. Are you running a promotion, email campaign, or Google ads measuring the results, and will you find what works and does not? Decide who you want to reach and what is the purpose of the direct marketing campaign. If you are sending out a marketing letter, you can track the result by including a source code with the offer to different market groups. The potential customers can enter the source code on your website for a special promotion or discount.

Other ways to track direct marketing campaign emails on the website are QR codes that are scanned, giving specific URLs for the offer, and using call tracking for phone numbers when you have a toll-free number. Your direct mail campaign should give a powerful call to action, to create a reason for the customer to call or visit your website to learn more about your product or service.

Highlight Fun Facts About Your Product

If you can find some interesting or fun facts about your product or service, this can increase the success of your marketing. For restaurants, you can promote a special dish or alcoholic beverage served. A bourbon distiller might include some interesting facts about how it is made. For example, Bourbon was declared by Congress to be America’s native spirit in 1964. It is made with 51 percent corn, aged in oak barrels, stored at 125 proof, and bottled at 80 proof or more. These facts can be used in advertising or special promotion on social media or your website. Good photos of your product enhance fun facts that you use to promote it.

Monitor Your Competitors and Devise Original Marketing Plans

Monitor businesses or competitors on social media to learn what they are doing for advertising and marketing. Learn from them but come up with original advertising and content for your products and services. This will make you stand out from the crowd. Build your brand in a way to make it different from your competition. Respond to customers on social media by giving them the information or resolving a problem quickly. Customers appreciate customer service agents that solve problems that arise and do not ignore them.

When negative reviews or comments arise, it is important to try to correct or resolve the problem. The customer will appreciate your efforts and know you tried. It paves the way for better relationships for future business.

Create Content That Engages Your Customers

Create blogs and articles that interest your customers and keep them coming back to your website. If you sell food products, you might have a blog with recipes on how to use the product. A doctor’s office might have articles on how they treat certain illnesses for patients. The information you provide should be useful and informative. Photos and videos are other important types of content. You may want to make a professional video about your products or services and how they are used or a tour of your office or restaurant with staff. Many people spend less than a minute on one task before moving onto something else, so you want to engage them in that time.

These are some social marketing tips for small businesses. Some other ideas are customer testimonials, Internet ads, newsletters, blogs, promotional offers, and phone or online contact.

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