The Importance of Employee Motivation for Increased Sales

There are so many different aspects of finding a new job, that often we end up simply browsing jobs websites, prioritizing our choices based on job titles, job roles, and salaries. Admittedly, these are going to be major factors influencing your decision to apply for the role or give it a miss. But you also need to remember that there are other factors that will affect how happy you will be in your role if you do land the position. For now, we’ll focus on the importance of finding an ethical employer.

Ethics Regarding Treatment of Employees

First things first, you want to ensure that your employer treats their staff well. If you’re going to be joining their team of workers, you want to be comfortable in the knowledge that they will treat you properly and provide you with all of your basic rights. This can include ensuring that they pay a living wage, allow sufficient holiday and maternity leave and offer paid sick leave. These are all areas that should be agreed on and drawn up in your contract before you start. You can also ask existing staff members how they have found working for the company and whether they’d recommend their employers to others. This will give you a good idea of how individuals at all levels of the workforce are treated and whether it is something that you would be happy to become a part of.

Ethics Regarding Products

A huge ethical issue in some companies is the sourcing and production of the brand’s products. Some companies may treat their immediate employees perfectly, but purchase their goods from questionable sources. Before starting to work for a brand, check that their products are ethically sourced. A good example of an ethical company in this sense is Brilliant Earth. Not only do they pay their immediate staff fair salaries, but they also provide ethically sourced conflict-free jewelry. Their business contributes to the elimination of child labor, condemnation of human rights violations and reduction of environmental damage that is so common within the diamond industry. You may also prefer to work for companies that contribute a portion of their profits to charitable organizations. This will help you to feel that you are working not only to support yourself but to support good causes at the same time.

The Interview

If you are asked along to an interview, remember that it isn’t solely about finding out whether you are right for the position in your employer’s eyes. It is also about deciding whether the brand you are applying for is right for you. Make the most of this face to face time with your future manager or employer to ask any questions that you might have about the company’s ideologies, policies, and ethics. This will help to settle any doubts you may have and will also ensure that the business aligns to your personal moral compass. You may find that the position is perfect, or you may leave disappointed, crossing the option off your list. But either way, this will ensure that when you do enter a job position, you will feel happy and dedicated to the brand and its cause. You will be more proactive and a productive member of the already established team.

Following these steps will land you a job that makes you feel good within your role and clears your conscience of inadvertently supporting negative business practices. It’s a win-win situation.

Published in Business