How To Face Discrimination In The Work Place

When starting a new job, you should be excited for the challenge it’ll bring, and all the new opportunities you’ll receive. After all, starting or joining a business is a brand new career choice that will hopefully bring in more money and reputation success. But sometimes it doesn’t work out like this, with some people still out there clinging to ‘traditional’ beliefs. If you find yourself facing discriminatory behavior or remarks in the workplace, whether based on gender, race, or religion, below are a few guidance tips on how to handle the occasional bad side of business.

Combating remarks

It can be an offhand comment or joke, or be as blatant as a remark that was purposely said in your hearing or to your face. But microaggressions such as these are a casual kind of prejudice that some people hold onto without realizing the enabling behavior behind them, or how serious they can actually be. Bringing this up with them can sometimes help you reach a satisfactory conclusion then and there, but unfortunately, a lot of the times this isn’t so easy. Use a support system of your friends, family, and other friendly colleagues to help yourself remember that any derogatory comments are not true. Emphasize your skills and talents to yourself by using rational disputing thinking and looking back at previous successes and what this can mean for your future. Depending on the person you are, it won’t usually help to give into these kind of comments.

Challenging behavior

On a global scale we personally cannot reach out to everyone to challenge discriminatory behavior, however people such as Dr Moshe Kantor are in such positions to do so. By using these kind of examples for both personal reasons, and to combat prejudices, we are more likely to persuade others to overcome their wrong beliefs. You can help to challenge discriminatory behavior by getting involved with organizations and contacting like-minded people. You can also encourage others to join similar groups to give yourself more allies in the workplace, and have them take a look at their own behavior to keep prejudice a thing of the past.

Taking it to your boss

If it comes to it, don’t be afraid to take any negative behavior you’ve been experiencing to your boss. By going over the employee workforce’s head, you’ll be in a better position to keep your rights instated. An equal opportunities policy should be in place at any institution. Using it in your argument can remind an employer of the legal ramifications of no action against prejudice. If you think your chances of success in this course is slim, it’s good to get testimonies from other people who have experienced similar things to weigh up the pros and cons.

Showing others that you won’t stand for discrimination will make the workplace feel safer and give yourself a sense of pride. No one has any right to stand in the way of others when it comes to success in a career.

Published in Business