Blog Engagement: 5 Ways To Engage Your Readers

One of the challenges that bloggers face is that with the growing popularity of blogging, it can be hard to stand out from the multitudes of other blogs that cover the same topics as you. Standing out in a crowded industry isn’t impossible as long as you make it a point to engage your readers with every post.

So where do you start? We’ve put together a few blog engagement tips to help you interact more with your readers.

Blog Engagement Tips

Use Catchy Headlines
The first thing that your readers see is your post’s headline, so make that first impression count. Try incorporating power-words. These are words that automatically invoke emotion from your readers. Using these in your headlines allows you to capture your readers’ attention and make them so curious about what’s to follow, that they can’t click away.

Use Visuals
Words can only express so much. Be sure to include visuals in your blog post. Graphics, videos, pictures, etc – all of these are all great ways to show your readers what you can’t tell them.

Get Right to the Action
Gone are the days of wispy, drawn out elocution and trying to stuff as many adjectives and adverbs into sentences as you can. Readers don’t want to read through fluff to get to the meat of your message, so start your posts off with some action. Instead of describing the fact that you’re about to describe your first tandem skydive to them, lead with the feeling you got right before you took the big jump.

Be Honest and Conversational
Your personality should shine through in your writing, so there’s no need to try and make yourself come across as anything other than yourself. Your readers want to know your thoughts and opinions, so be honest with your writing.

You also want to write like you’re talking to a friend. You aren’t in school writing formal essays and papers anymore, and your blog posts shouldn’t sound like it (unless your blog is about writing formal essays and papers).

Responding to your readers when they leave comments on your blog is a way to establish a connection with them, while also setting your blog apart. Not all bloggers take the time to develop a dialogue with their readers, so that little bit of extra effort could make all the difference when it comes to having repeat visitors or one time shoppers.

Also, leaving comments on other blogs that cover similar topics is another a great way to become better known within your blog community and could even spark some fun relationships that may come in handy in the future.

How have you created engagement on your blog? Share some of your tips for engaging readers with us in the comments below!

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