5 Tips To Strengthen Your Business’s Social Media

More businesses are realizing the importance of having social media for connecting with new clients. However, getting the best out of these platforms takes a bit of marketing skill. Here are 5 tips for ensuring that your social media is as effective as it can be.

Generate more content

You should ideally be updating your social media every day. This doesn’t all have to be promotional. In fact, studies have found that a 20% promotional 80% non-promotional balance can work best, luring in clients through a sense of fun and energy. Comment on general news, give business advice tips, upload photos of your business’s work and share anything of interest to your line of work. There’s nothing wrong with using a bit of humour – many businesses are now even sharing relevant memes. Just be careful of controversial subject matter such as political opinions that could divide your followers and deter certain people.

Time your tweets right

In order for people to see your content, it can be worth tweeting at certain times when most of your audience is likely to be online. This can depend largely on whether you’re a business-to-business company or a business-to-consumer company. B2B companies will get a better reaction by posting during nine to five working hours Monday to Friday – although busy periods such as Friday afternoon should be avoided. B2C companies meanwhile may do better posting in the evenings or early morning, as well as weekends.

Find more followers

It’s easier to gain followers once you have them. Clients may also trust a business more that has a large social media following, assuming that they are a large and successful business. You can pay companies in order to get more followers on Twitter. Alternatively, simply encouraging all your friends and family to follow you on social media could be effective at building up a sizable following.

Cross promote

Cross promoting involves promoting another company in exchange for them doing the same back. By saying good words about another company on Facebook and getting them to return the favor for you, both of you will get exposed to new audiences. You can cross promote with lots of companies to further build your audience and generate more leads.

Pay for influence

The latest big trend in social media is paying for influence. This involves paying money to someone successful on social media to recommend you on Facebook or Twitter. You will then be exposed to a huge audience, some of which may be converted into paying customers. Not every company will agree to sponsor you so be aware of this. Websites such as Klout can allow you to measure the influence of people out there.


Published in Business