Increase Your Productivity With These 5 Free Apps

In today’s world where technology rules, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a person who doesn’t rely on their cellphone for more than just communication. They’re our planners, alarms and keys to the outside world.

In order to help you stay in touch and also for you to increase your productivity, we put together a list of free apps that will help you a daily basis.

5 Free Apps to Increase Productivity

  1. Keep: Keep is a great app to have if you’re a perpetual list-maker. The simple format makes note making quick, while also being easy navigate, so that you can find the notes you need without wasting your time.
  2. Evernote: If you’re looking for a way to track tasks and save items that you find online, Evernote comes highly recommended. The basic level of the app is free and with it you’ll be able to “Clip from anywhere on the web, sync across phones and computers and share and discuss in Evernote.” This app is pretty much your ultimate asset in life organization.
  3. Track My Life: Track My Life is necessary when you’re always on the go and want to evaluate how you spend your time. It’s an effective way to help you with time management by presenting graphics to demonstrate how much of your time you spend at specific places and doing specific activities.
  4. Hshtags: This app is perfect for anyone who needs to stay on top of the latest social trends. Think of Hshtags as a big newsfeed, like you’ll find on Twitter and on Facebook, but only made up of the hashtags that everyone is talking about at the moment, be they current events or trending topics.
  5. IFTTT: If you’re a creature of habit, then IFTT is for you. This app allows you to assign tasks, called “IF recipes” to products and apps that you use on a regular basis. The recipe is simple, ‘If This Then That.’ For example, if you’re an avid Instagram user who also likes to save their photos in a place that’s accessible anywhere like Dropbox, you can set up an ‘If I post a photo to Instagram, then save the photo to Dropbox.’ Easy peasy!

If you know of any other apps that come in handy when trying to keep your busy life organized, please leave them in the comments below!

Published in Business, Life