The Benefits of an Morning Workout Routine

Exercise at any time is always good for you, but you’ll get better results if you tumble out of bed and get going.

Researchers in North Carolina have discovered that those who work-out early not only burn calories ahead of the daily intake of food, but spike their metabolism for up to 14 hours. Plus, a 45-minute pre-breakfast run will help you burn an extra 190 calories – because there are no sugars or treats to get in the way of a good session at the gym or on the trails.

And talking of trails, go canine and get yourself a dog. Offer to take a neighbor’s pooch out or borrow a relative’s pet. Man’s best friend loves the early mornings when the smells are fresh and nature’s waking up to a new day, and a good walk or a run will set you up for the day. The bigger the dog, the more you’ll get out of a power walk or a run – especially if you let Rover take the lead!

You should also consider what you put into your body after a work-out. Don’t pile back the calories you’ve just lost, but make sure you have a healthy breakfast that sets you up for the rest of the day. Eat a meal high in protein and low in fat.

Nutritionists suggest women in particular should aim for a 700-calorie first meal of the day. This helps them kill off the hunger hormone ghrelin, which if coupled with a good lunch, should keep the snack attacks at bay, and leave you with plenty of energy left for an evening out or a good walk after work.

And don’t believe all the negatives about a good cup of Joe. Coffee will not only keep you energized, but a shot of caffeine will also help your body burn a few extra calories while you work – often for up to three hours at a time, according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Keep your lunch early as well and look for menu items that include dill or basil as these contain kaempferol, which is another metabolism-boosting secret soldier, which attacks the thyroid hormones. An early lunch will then lead to an early dinner allowing the body to power through until bedtime without a calorie wasted.

Published in Health