Yellow Star
Yellow Star

How to Calculate Your Birth Chart

by Women's Business Daily

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Yellow Star

The 12 houses of your birth chart

First House


This House represents the first impression people have of you, and the mask that you present to the world.

Second House


The Second House shows your resources and money. It also represents who or what can help you, which is often other people.

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Yellow Star

Third House


All communications and intangible things fall under the third House, and it affects everything from your thoughts to what you do at work.

Fourth House


The fourth house represents our home life. It also shows us our early childhood and environment that was created by our parents.

Fifth House


The fifth house represents romance, children, games.. everything that has to do with having fun in life.

Six House


The sixth house is the opposite of the fifth house. It represents work, service to others, and health issues.

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Yellow Star

Seventh House


This house relates to your romantic relationships, friendships, and business partnerships.

Eight House


The 8th House corresponds with the natural cycle of creation, life, death, and your magical depths.

Ninth House


This house represents your moral compass and how you view and understand the world around you.

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Yellow Star

Tenth House


The 10th House relates to how others perceive your accomplishments. It relates to your purpose and life path.

Eleventh House


This house represents your community, as well as future possibilities.

Twelfth House


The Twelfth House represents the subconscious, unveiled mysteries, hidden truths, mysticism, and imagination.

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Yellow Star

The planets represent different energies, and each planet influences your life differently. The placement of these planets in your chart can show how these energies affect you, and which Houses they influence.