How To Show Recruiters That You Know Your Stuff

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Being knowledgeable in your industry can make you a much more attractive applicant. You need to be able to showcase this knowledge to a recruiter – below are a few ways to prove that you know your stuff.

Gain relevant qualifications and credentials

One of the most effective ways to show that you have a certain level of knowledge is to get a qualification or other credential in that subject. This could be a degree in a subject like law or marketing or a license to operate certain machinery.

In competitive industries, you may find that getting extra qualifications helps to set you apart. For instance, you may have an accounting degree, but so may many all your competing candidates – an extra qualification such as bookkeeping certification could help to show that you’re a cut above the rest. Of course, when taking any extra qualifications, it’s important to consider the extra time and money you’ll be pouring into getting this qualification – make sure that your heart is definitely set on a specific role before pursuing specific qualifications for it.  

Bag some experience and get references

Hands-on experience in the working world can also show that you know your stuff. If you’ve had any kind of experience in the industry that you’re applying within, make sure to note down this experience in your resume.

Collecting references can help to show proof that you’ve previously worked in a role and that people have good things to say about you in this role. It could be worth getting in touch with previous employers beforehand so that they can write up a reference in preparation for sending it to a potential new employer.

Use a blog/vlog to showcase your knowledge

A blog or vlog could be a great platform to share the extent of your knowledge, as well as your passion for a subject. For instance, if you’re trying to break into the fashion industry, a fashion blog could be a great platform for showing off your knowledge of fashion trends.

Blogs are made up of written content – most people start a blog using a platform such as WordPress, Blogger or Medium. Vlogs are meanwhile made up of video content – YouTube tends to be the most popular platform for such content. Try to treat any blog or vlog professionally and provide links to your best content in your resume.

Use the right lingo

In certain professions, your use of language can be a giveaway as to the extent of your knowledge. Recruiters may even quiz you on certain terms, while some employers may use tools to scan resumes for keywords. Consequently, it’s important to educate yourself in the lingo.

For instance, if you’re applying for a digital marketing role, you might be expected to understand terms like ‘SEO’, ‘PPC’ and ‘SEM’. Not knowing these terms could be a giveaway that you’ve never worked in the industry and you could need a lot of training to get you to the right level. This may not matter in an entry-level position, but could be a dealbreaker in a more senior or experienced role.

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