How To Support Employees When Working From Home

Work From Home

A lot of workers have had no issues working from home over the last few months. Indeed, many businesses continue to do so as they’ve seen the benefits this brings. You may have noticed that your business saves a fortune, is more productive, and generates more income when working from home. In some ways, the forced closure of your office was a blessing in disguise. So, you’ve decided to make the switch permanent! As a result, you have to alter a few things about your business. Primarily, the support you provide your employees will change. Now, you have to learn how to support them when working from home. Here are a few ideas you can consider:

Direct them to useful resources

While some of your employees love working from home, others will find it a challenge. They were probably keen to get back to the office, so are a bit upset at the permanent change. As such, you can help them by directing them to some working from home tips and resources. Send out an email every month with a host of new resources to assist your employees. It can give them advice on how to switch into the work-from-home mode without going crazy. Essentially, this supports them while also supporting your business by encouraging better performance from your team!

Create group chats

Group chats are fantastic for a couple of reasons. Firstly, they encourage communication between remote-working employees. This ensures that everyone stays connected and in-touch with one another. Secondly, from a support standpoint, it provides your employees with a direct line to HR or management. There could be a group chat with your HR team that everyone can communicate in to raise any issues. Private chats are also ideal as people can express any opinions that they want to keep a secret. Either way, this helps you stay connected with your employees and gives them an avenue to voice their feelings. 

Offer flexible working patterns

Instead of forcing everyone to work from 9-5, open the door to some flexible working patterns.  Basically, you can set a deadline for when all the work needs to be completed. This could be 5pm, it could be 10pm, or even 12am. The choice is yours, but the idea is that your employees have until a certain time to complete their work for the day. Now, it’s up to them how they choose to work. They could do the 9-5 schedule, or they might work in chunks of 2 hours here and 2 hours there. The point is that you give them the flexibility to choose their own schedule. This works wonders for their mental health as they can make things work for them. This additional freedom can also make people enjoy working from home and be glad that you didn’t go back to the office. 

Suggest relaxation techniques

As much as you want your employees to be mega-productive at home, it is a good idea to suggest ways to loosen up a bit and take their mind off from work. It can help in relaxing and preparing the body for more work. They can start with a pampering care routine. It is self-care treatment, where you can soak yourself in a hot tub, have a facemask, and listen to soothing music. This will allow the body and mind to relax while meditating. It might sound more straightforward than you imagined, but it is one of the best tricks that can help your employees relax after a long day.

They may also consider THC doses found in cannabis under a doctor’s prescription. It can help in sharpening the mind. However, if they regularly buy the dosage, it can be a little expensive. They should consider hiring a professional to construct grow houses made of steel in their basement to grow the plant. THC is vital for mental health, where it can reduce certain disorders such as depression and high anxiety levels, preparing your employees for another busy week.

Naturally, as you’ve been working from home for some months, you may have had a few temporary measures in place. However, you need to come up with a proper employee support system if you are making this a permanent move. These four points give you some ideas to play off of!

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